
Created by Alex 4 years ago
well its been a while since i have been able to write to you. Not that i have forgotten you, i never can or will. You are a huge  part of my life just as you were for 25 years. Can you believe your 30 omg old bag. I miss you Leona, the sick feeling still remains, I just hide it better. Anway not about me, just a update your girls and sister. Rhiann studying a levels, had me running around universities, we sing and dance in the car like we used to on our many trios liverpool to london. Although she controls the music so i cant do repeat like i did with you. Laugh. Shes a good girl and i know you visit her and help her when she has tough days. I hope when she goes to university she can begin to feel less responsible for me and your girls,and have a little bit of fun. Meleisha your daughter, secondary school, the same one you went to. She is trouble with a beautiful T. She is such a caring child, definetly your daughter. Says what she thinks does our mel. Kayleisha she is still your baby and can still charm her way out of anything. We are having our first xmas together. Loads of pressies which rhiann has wrapped. You taught her well. We have lots of leona days, doing things younwould have done.  Hope you come see us at xmas, even if you dont know you will be with us. Always loving you, forever missing you. Mum xxx
